FCCL Board Meeting on August 29th
otrd., 29. aug.
|The FCCL Board Meeting
The next FCCL Board Meeting will be held on August 29th. FCC members, if you have suggestions for FCCL Board, please write to fccl@fccl.lv.

Time & Location
2023. g. 29. aug. 14:00 – 15:00
The FCCL Board Meeting
About the event
The next FCCL Board Meeting will be held online on August 29th.
FCC members, if you have suggestions for FCCL Board, please write to fccl@fccl.lv.
FCCL Board: FCCL Board | Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Latvia
The activities of FCCL are governed by its board that is elected in the General meeting in the autumn for one calendar year. The board consists of seven members, including chairman and the vice chairman. Board members are being elected for two years. The board meets monthly and these meetings are open to all FCCL members.